Love is an amazing call God has placed on all our lives. In it's real form it's a beautiful gift to each one who experiences it. Love comes in many different forms, ways & expressions. There's nothing greater than to have it in our lives either by giving or receiving it.
True love can be challenging & misunderstood because it puts a demand on you to tell the truth, confront, correct & discipline. We see this carried out in our love for our children. We exercise this because we truly love them & desire the best for them. Also found in God's love for His children. "Whom the Lord loves He disciplines"
Let's be careful as believers to not use the 'Love Card' to excuse our actions or justify deception we are under. Alot of Christians today when confronted, corrected, or disciplined respond negatively by screaming that's not love. When in reality someone loves them enough to tell them truth but because of their own pride, immaturity or selfishness they can't receive it. So they respond like an immature child & sulk or rebel to get their way or prove their point. True love is not spiritual jargon we use to appear spiritual, prove a point or get more people in our corner.
So many church people hide behind false humility, super spirituality & use the 'Love' card to judge or condemn any & everyone who has not agreed with them in some shape or form. Most are Self appointed spiritual giants in their own eyes & forget that to scream that someone is not loving is also to judge them which is just as great a sin but they don't recognize this because their appetite for approval, title or position is blinding them to the TRUTH about LOVE. Usually this is obvious because their other appetites are out of control as well.
True love will cause you to deal with the "log in your eye before trying to remove the spec in your brothers" Jesus love was tough, straight forward, convicting & confronting demanding change & order. Responses the church today have a tough time embracing choosing rather to hide behind a love they really don't even understand or have never experienced due to their refusal to fully embrace the truth!
Let's get past talking about love & start living in reality that real love demands action and that action may not be popular or understood but does not lessen the fact that it is real love. (a challenge a true leader faces everyday) Stop playing the false 'Love card' to justify your spiritual superiority & belittle others you don't agree with. Never forget those who helped you get where you are even if today you don't agree with them because they loved you enough to tell you the truth! True love does not promote itself at the expense of judging & condemning others! Pray you can walk in the depths of true love & come out of the shallow waters of self justification! (and please don't be hypocritical while on your love soapbox to leave an anonymous comment because you think this is about you...said in true love!)
Tom and Joe reading your post in the lobby before service say:You Go Pastor You Go
We LOVE and stand with you and Pastor Carmen.
Looking for updates.
tom enneking
joe benacka
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