A few things to ponder, understand & comprehend about today's Judas-
First, we all must have a Judas because as with Christ, God uses our Judas to launch us into our destiny. Despite the fact that Judas betrayed the Lord, it was part of the plan that God used to fulfill His purpose on earth. Same is true with us, every Judas in our life God will use to launch us closer to our destiny. Through every betrayal, disappointment & let down by people in our life's we learn, grow & mature into the person God has called us to be. Though the process can be difficult, it must be to move us into our purpose & fulfill God's plan in our life's. So learn to not curse your Judas and just know God must have a greater plan & is using your Judas to get you there faster! No Judas, no fulfillment of your destiny! Everyone who has a great plan from God on their life will have a Judas in their life. And when they manifest know you're closer to your true purpose than ever... so rejoice!
Secondly, For every Judas who is in your life that let's you down, hurts or betrays you in some way, shape or form, know they are simply a pawn in the hands of God to catapult you to your next level! Judas is usually in your life just for a season, then as quickly as they come into your life they leave. Please know any one who can leave you is not connected to your destiny. So don't mourn when they go instead rejoice that God has used them to get you on your way to all He has in store for you. When you experience the spirit of Judas, don't curse it, nurse it or rehearse it & God will reverse it for your good & His glory! Truth to live by that will set you free into new realms of your divine assignment!
Thirdly and I pray this challenges you to your core to do something that will keep you from staying or becoming a Judas. Every believer today who 'professes' to be a Christan and yet is not serving God whole heartily as the scripture instructs us to obey is in reality a modern day Judas. Every born again child of God should be serving Him, His house & His word to the fullest degree. When we don't we are in a sense betraying the plan, purpose & mandate of God. To prove you are not being mesmerized by the spirit of Judas (modern day apostasy) today you should be actively attending, supporting & involved in a local church doing your part to help promote the Kingdom of God. Your time, talent & tithe must be working to advance Christ & His work! Anything less is to live operating under & promoting a Judas mind-set.
If Christans don't do their part as instructed in the word of God, there can be no church, which is God's ordained structure to complete His call in the world today.
Ask yourself are you just using God or the church when you need them in your life, when there's a crises, when you need help or prayer? Are you just talking 'christianise' with no fruit? Are you hungry & desperate for more of God in your life or lukewarm, complacent & indifferent like some believer's living under a disillusionment of what it is to be a Christan & what's required of you. If you can't answer no to the above questions you might be a modern day Judas doing more to hurt the Kingdom of God than advance it. As hard as that is to swallow, it's truth & I pray you will re-position yourself to be a blessing God can use instead of a tool in the hand of Satan. His ways are not always our ways & know He loves you, desires to bless & fulfill His plan in your life, choose Christ only & forsake any & every spirit of Judas in your life today!
To every Judas spirit out there, just know your days are numbered, you will be revealed & God's people & purpose will prevail!!! Do your part to fulfill His work & not hinder it by not being a modern day Judas in the life's of His people or in His house. God bless, keep & reward you as you pursue Him in all truth!
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