We are declaring 2011 the year of the anointing! Is. 10:27 declares ''It shall come to pass in that day...the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil." We are believing "it shall come to pass in that day" is for now & so we decree TODAY that the anointing shall destroy all:
-Our past
-Every Curse
-All our sins
-All lack
-Every sickness & disease
-And every bondage
In Jesus Name!!!
King David declared "I have been anointed with fresh oil" so we declare the same for our lives as we embark on a new year. Fresh oil from Heaven for our new assignment in the new year!
1 Samuel 16:13, David was anointed to be King & immediately begins to run from Saul. He has new anointing on his life for a new assignment & the grace on his life for his former assignment has ended. A lot of believers in the body of Christ are experiencing this same thing. New grace for a new season with a new anointing!
Let's boldly declare the work of the anointing in & on our lives & let God's power destroy all the old & baggage from last year as we embark in the new year & believe for fresh oil to fill us so we can be renewed & revived. This is my prayer & I pray you will make it yours so we can move together into our new season free, favored & fulfilled! God bless you as the anointing works in you!
1 comment:
thanks Pastor for always taking the time for writing truth, inspiration and guiding us. We love you.
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