The last year has brought on a Season of weird warfare for the believer. Just unusual & constant battle for the Child of God trying to overcome & walk in God's promises. That's why now more than ever we must be prepared daily for the battle that is at hand. Ephesians 6: 10-18 gives us specific instruction & our armour for this spiritual warfare we as Christians are thrust into on a daily basis. The following are our weapons & how to apply them:
The Helmet of Salvation-with our salvation we must take on a new mind, the renewed mind in Christ with evil thoughts taken captive & our imaginations brought under subjection to the Word of God. Thinking only on those things that are pure, honest, clean & praiseworthy!
Breastplate of Righteousness- this serves to protect our heart. We must keep our hearts pure, tender, sensitive & broken before God. Confessing any & all unforgiveness, bitterness & worldliness. Ask God daily for a clean heart, burdened for the things of God!
Shield of Faith- Believe God to give you a new measure of Faith, to stir the gift of Faith up within you & to help your unbelief. Confess & speak faith scriptures to & over your situations, believing it shall be done! Heb.11:1 & 6!
Sword of the Spirit- which is the Word of God that is "yea & amen, cannot return void, must accomplish that which it's set forth to do." Decree & Declare the scriptures against your enemy so that no weapon formed will prosper & all those that rise against you will fall!
Belt of Truth- to live in truth, tell the truth & know the truth so that any & all deception is exposed & dealt with in your life. "You shall know the truth & the truth shall set you free!"
Feet shod with the preparation of Peace- that your steps would be ordered, paths made straight with the gifts & the fruit of the Spirit operative & evident in your life. Being a peace maker everywhere you go!
If you're in weird warfare cover yourself daily with this Armour of God praying specifically these things & putting on these weapons "knowing the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through the pulling down of strongholds!"
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