It is time for you to have a Breakthrough! Not just a break, a temporary fix to an old problem or temporary relief from something needing a permanent solution. But a God Breakthrough! An unexpected, accidental on purpose, Breakthrough!!! Sometimes you might feel like you're going to have a Breakdown if you don't get your Breakthrough, that's why I'm declaring a Breakthrough over, in, to, thru & for YOU!!!
In 2 Sam 5:17-20 King David was anointed King of Israel & the Philistines immediately came against him in the Valley of Rephaim (Giants). Before he even had time to celebrate, his enemies were already plotting his demise. That is how it is with you & I. When you ain't got nothing, don't want to do nothing, & ain't gonna be nothing. You are no threat to your enemy & he leaves you alone. But the moment you decide I'm gonna BE something, I'm gonna DO something & I'm gonna GET something, the enemy comes against you and tries to stop it!
David prayed first, as we should, because before you ever get a breakthrough your gonna have to PRAY THROUGH! He inquired of the Lord, "Should I go up against the enemy & will I prevail?" The Lord answered emphatically & said "Yes, I will give you the Victory!" David triumphed over his enemy & changed the name from Valley of Giants to "Baal Perazim" or "The place of Breakthrough!"
God is going to Divinely & Supernaturally release new doors to you that will bring you into the place of Breakthrough! Get ready your Season is Shifting & God is giving you the Breakthrough you have so long desired & waited for. Believe it & receive it... it's at the door, BREAKTHROUGH!
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