Statistics say every organization must re-invent itself every 5 years to stay modern & current, which produces continued growth, health & success of the organization. The same is true of us as individuals & even corporately as a church. It also can be called "Transition" or even "Paradigm Shift." Meaning you must experience a metamorphosis or continual change, be stretched & become fluid to stay alive & in this thing we are called to in life.
Here in lies the difficult part with shifting, changing & transitioning. One, because we like familiarity, comfortableness & things to stay the same, especially if it's all good. And secondly, we don't always understand the process of transition or paradigm shift. Because it means we may be subtracted from for a season before we are added back to with a greater more defined purpose.
Here is a truth if you are facing, going through or experiencing a paradigm shift or transition:
"In transition you experience a repetitive 'people drain' cycle. It's the shaking God uses to separate fakers from the shakers. Fakers are people whose agenda is contrary to God's plan for your life. Shakers are called, anointed & equipped to change atmospheres & shift outcomes. Fakers are change-resisters; shakers are world changers. Transition is God's way of shaking all the fakers out of your life." What profound truth that brings clarity to transitions in our life!!!
Here are a few other facts about Paradigm shift & transition that will help you get through to what God has in store for you:
1. Transition is about what's right with you not what's wrong with you!
2. The deeper your transition the greater will be your promotion!
3. In transition God will give you multiplication through subtraction!
4. Transition is simply nothing more than a destiny move!
5. In transition your leanness will turn into largeness because your only subject for a season!
Remember this, You have to go through it to get to it! And until your transition season is over, remain steady, do not make any major decisions, stop talking to people who have no ability to help you with what you're facing & cry out for wisdom, grace & strength. Transition is only for a season & you will come out bigger & better, tell yourself that every day... ready, set, now SHIFT!
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