Recently, while ministering to people for prayer in the altar, a precious older saint said these words to me before I prayed with her, "I'm a weary warrior" it struck me so strongly & deeply that I prayed for her with all I had and did not relinquish until she had received the touch of God. She was getting renewed if I had to stay there all night. Thankfully tears of joy & refreshing came & she received what she needed from God!
I often discern this is the condition of many of God's choice children on the battlefield of life. Serving, praying, coming, giving, while waiting, believing & trusting. It's in the process we all can grow weary. Growing weary IS NOT a sin, doesn't mean you're backsliden, evil or rebellious. It means you've grown tired in doing good. That's why Paul encourages us in Gal. 6:9 "Let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
The prophet warned us in Dan. 7:25 in the last days Satan would try & "wear out" the saints. Meaning to mentally tire, physically exhaust & cause to faint. A spirit of heaviness that skews your perspective causing discouragement & confusion, the best friends of weariness. These can lead you to isolation, hurting your self-image & leaving you with a defeated mind set with everything blown out of proportion, blaming others & what seems like a hopeless future. True?
Moses grew weary holding his arms up in the Battle, David grew weary due to constant stress, Job grew weary in the midst of heart wrenching trials, Paul grew weary in serving God. We can relate to any of these men today. Same story, different day. The solution is still found in what God told Elijah while running scared, confused & weary in 1 Kings 19. These are simple yet profound:
1) Get some rest & eat right. 2) Get a new perspective on life. 3) Renew your relationship with God. 4) Be a blessing to someone else. 5) Have someone minister to you! Trust if you're a weary warrior you will take heart today, draw strength from this truth & allow the Lord to refresh & renew you that can only come from times in His presence. Take heart, your weary because you've been doing good & He has promised you shall reap if you do not give up!!!
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