The current of God's Holy Spirit is once again moving mightily & calling ALL to get in & go with the flow of what He's doing. As we begin a New Year God's urging is for us us to get in, recognize & stay with the flow of the Holy Spirit! Do not be guilty of "having a form of Godliness but denying the POWER!" There is a rhythm in God's Spirit that you & I must tap into & move in today!
Ps. 46:4 tells us "there is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God." The Word "river" there literally means "Prosperity," not just of money but "whole"- body, soul, mind & spirit! When you stay in the current where God is moving, the result is you stay full of His Spirit, thus producing healthy & mature fruit! God wants you in this place so you can truly walk in Him with His blessing!
Ezekiel 47:9 depicts the river flowing out of the new Jerusalem & EVERYWHERE the river goes & touches lives & is healed! Let the river of God flow to, thru & in you so you can live the life Christ's death provided for you & walk in Divine Health!
The writer then goes on to give us four levels of the believers response to the River of God-
1. Ankle deep (vs.3) This is the Observation level where it's safe, you are judgemental & still can go either way with the things of God.
2. Knee deep (vs. 4) This is the Speculation level where you begin to size up, pick & choose the things of God, but still remain comfortable, safe & you can get out when you want!
3. Waist Deep (vs. 4) This is Participation level, agreeable & enjoyable but still not all the way in & at the first sign of challenge you can get out & go back to the familiar!
4. Must Swim (vs. 5) This is Revelation level where you're sold out, no choice anointing, growing, fully dependent on the water to carry you, no going back even if you wanted but moving with the current to deeper waters!!!
I challenge you to go deep this year so you can go long in the things of God! Jesus said in John 7:38 "he who believes in me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." What's flowing out of you? Have you become stagnant spiritually or are you in God's current & He is flowing out of you? Hope to see you in the deep end... that's where I'll be!!!
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