Life is Seasonal! There are MANY different seasons that come & go at MANY different stages in our journey. Seasons of friendships, Seasons of adversity, Seasons of growth, Seasons of plenty & Seasons of little, etc. The question is how do we navigate through each unique Season to come out a better person & stay the course so we come through each Season as a survivor. Not regretting or resenting our last Season but learning & growing from it. This should be our objective until the next & new Season comes forth in our lives!
The following are ways to handle & survive the Seasons of life:
1. Realize each Season is just that, a "Season" that will go as quickly as it came!
2. Learn to breathe & take each moment in as it will never pass this way again!
3. Discover what it is your to learn from this Season & how it can make you a better person!
4. Understand & believe "This to shall pass" it's not always gonna stay this way!
5. Believe you will get through this & something better is around the corner!
6. Expect something good to come from each experience that can make you learn & grow!
7. Trust all things are working together for your good even when it's bad at the moment!
8. Act in such a manner that when things change you don't regret anything said or done!
9. Speak what it is you want to see or needs to happen not just what you're seeing at the moment!
10. Live with no regrets, you can never change the past only set up your future!
I hope this information will be useful in helping you get through your present Season until your new Season arrives. Keep your chin up, life is seasonal & things will change, I promise!
1 comment:
you know sometimes I do tend to say "Man I wish I could have done this better." Since Ive been comming to NDINC, you and Pastor Carmon have been teaching us about the now and whats ahead.
Thank You
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