The scripture says, "If one can send a thousand to flight, then two ten thousand." There is such power in agreement! Again say the scriptures, "If two will touch and agree asking anything in my name that I will do." How much stronger are we when we come together for the same purpose. Today God is needing His Bride to come together for the hour that is at hand, lay aside their petty differences, let go of their past wounds, and get up and go on with the work at hand!
If you ever are at war you must have complete confidence & trust with the people you are fighting with. The assurance your back is covered and others are willing to lay down their lives for yours & vice verse. "No man hath greater love than this then to lay down His life for another." Now that's love! What you cannot have is someone stabbing you in the back that's supposed to be covering it. What a tragedy that this happens today in the Body of Christ more than not. We must stand together if we are going to fight & win this present battle against the darkness.
I saw this manifested recently while attending the Florida Outpouring in Lakeland. Eight thousand people pursuing the face of God in petition & worship, receiving & commanding the enemy to leave and calling forth the Blessings of God. Results- signs & wonders, real miracles proven before your eyes not just in theory or speech. There is power in an army of one mind & one purpose in unity before God.
Think of Gideon in Judges chapter 7, God had to subtract from him before He could multiply him. Get his army down to a group of hungry, desperate warriors willing to pay the price for victory! That is what God is doing today in the modern day church. Putting together His righteous remnant & arming them for war! The weak & faint hearted will not last, those critical & causing dis-unity will not make it! "For there the Lord commands the blessing, where brethren dwell together in unity." There is power in an army that stands together!
So ask yourself are you promoting the army of God or hindering it? If you're not pursuit of the Fathers face doing your part with all your might then you might want to get in on the winning team and find your place today! God is on the move, His army is advancing, He is taking ground & His Glory is being revealed. Are you part of THIS, HIS Army?
If you ever are at war you must have complete confidence & trust with the people you are fighting with. The assurance your back is covered and others are willing to lay down their lives for yours & vice verse. "No man hath greater love than this then to lay down His life for another." Now that's love! What you cannot have is someone stabbing you in the back that's supposed to be covering it. What a tragedy that this happens today in the Body of Christ more than not. We must stand together if we are going to fight & win this present battle against the darkness.
I saw this manifested recently while attending the Florida Outpouring in Lakeland. Eight thousand people pursuing the face of God in petition & worship, receiving & commanding the enemy to leave and calling forth the Blessings of God. Results- signs & wonders, real miracles proven before your eyes not just in theory or speech. There is power in an army of one mind & one purpose in unity before God.
Think of Gideon in Judges chapter 7, God had to subtract from him before He could multiply him. Get his army down to a group of hungry, desperate warriors willing to pay the price for victory! That is what God is doing today in the modern day church. Putting together His righteous remnant & arming them for war! The weak & faint hearted will not last, those critical & causing dis-unity will not make it! "For there the Lord commands the blessing, where brethren dwell together in unity." There is power in an army that stands together!
So ask yourself are you promoting the army of God or hindering it? If you're not pursuit of the Fathers face doing your part with all your might then you might want to get in on the winning team and find your place today! God is on the move, His army is advancing, He is taking ground & His Glory is being revealed. Are you part of THIS, HIS Army?
1 comment:
How grateful we all should be that we are a part of a church that is following hard after God! Father let your spirit pour out on us until we really "get it"! Our city needs us!
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