Often times in life we miss our opportunity to be a blessing to someone else because of the unexpected things life can throw our way, which can nurture our fears, insecurities & lead to obstacles in our path. When in reality if we will learn to use the things life throws at us to strengthen us it only becomes a stepping stone into our destiny. The very thing that tried to hinder you, when placed in God's hands, can then catapult you into ALL that God has for you. Understand there will always be naysayers, haters & jealousy of what & where God is taking you. People, who because they're not doing anything or going anywhere, don't want you to do anything or go anywhere. I've had my season with that group & I'm still shaking myself free from them today. You must do the same in Jesus name!
The reason we must navigate through these things is because there is someone on the other side of it who needs your help, that awaits your manifestation. That must have a deposit of what God has put inside of you. The saying goes "We must go through it to get to it because someone on the other side is waiting for you!" HOW TRUE THIS IS!
Press through the storms of life, the Sun does shine again. Plow over every hindrance, your test will become a testimony. Shake yourself free from negative people who curse you and get with positive people who bless you. We have to do this because someone somewhere needs not only you but the gifting & deposits God has given you so you can pour it out on them.
Forgetting those things which are behind (rather that be people, groups, memories, mistakes & the like) and reaching forward to those things( destinies,opportunities, people, new beginnings) which are ahead." Phil. 3:13
I promise you if you do this there is someone on the other side who needs you and is waiting for you. This picture was taken outside of a new church our ministry, NDIC, just built in Africa. I'm holding the worship leaders children before speaking a blessing over there lives. So many miracles from this trip. Had I quit, given up, lost heart or believed the negative voices Satan tried to use to discourage me & stop me, none of these dreams & desires God put in me would be a reality today! Don't believe the lie but believe the plan God promised you because someone is waiting for you!
Awesome word! You're right, we will always have people who have absolutely nothing to do but hate. Only when you have to walk through it yourself do you really understand that. The anointing on you and Pastor Carmen is unmistakable. Keep hearing from the Father for us!
I am with you Pastor Deon, God said: "And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet." Matthew 10:14
AS a Pastor you have to operate with more tact than I do so I understand when you put up with "nay-sayers" a lot longer than I would. But be assured I am praying that all stumbling blockers be removed from your life so God use you as He wants.
I am bringing up the rear and scouting ahead of you in prayer and Spirit.
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