Recently someone made this statement and surprisingly they were being serious. They really felt squirrels are not to be trusted, like they are out to get us or have a secret plan to overthrow the world and create a Squirrel Kingdom and all humans work and collect nuts for them.... weird! Maybe I don't relate to this because growing up my uncle had a pet squirrel that he had raised as a pet from a baby and it was the sweetest little thing that would play with all the cousins when we got together. I personally think squirrels are one of Gods cutest little creations. So more Power to the squirrels!!!
Today I see religious people being like this, just because they don't understand something, can't relate to something or have never seen something, they are fearful & intimated by it, therefore they write it off as evil or bad. Not to be trusted. That's exactly what happened in Jesus day among the religious leaders concerning Christ & this new move of God that was among them & because they did not understand or embrace it, they crucified Him! Thinking it would somehow bring it to an end because they disapproved of it. Unbelievable that mistrust, fear & lack of embracing the new caused them to, as Jesus said Himself, miss their moment!
Alot of that is still going on in the church world today. God is on the move, His Spirit being poured out, waves of His Glory coming forth with new signs & wonders following. But because it's not packaged the way we thought or it's different than what we expected or God didn't birth it through us or our church we judge it, are critical of it & MISS the blessing God is trying to send us!
The Move of God that is happening right now is so "out of the box" it doesn't even have a box! God is outpouring His presence in new dimensions and it is glorious! Listen up.. don't be so religious, spiritually blind & undiscerning that you miss your moment. Get it all while the getting is good, some for now & some for later. Let your hearts cry be more Lord, more of your Glory!
Don't miss this fresh new move of God being released to His true bride today simply because you don't understand it or it's out of the box. Embrace it, move in it & be transformed! I speak on behalf of all squirrels and every church having an outpouring today, they are to be trusted! Touch three people and say GO GOD!!!! Leave me a comment and let me now your thoughts on squirrels & this new outpouring from God. \o/
Awesome, funny, truthful word. You're right! GO GOD!
It's hard sometimes to not feel threatened by something we don't understand, but we have to give it a chance and get close enough to check it out. I think people should do the same with what God is doing. They need to come closer instead of pushing or pulling back. And they need to get into it before they judge it. Like "give it a chance' before you give up on it!
I hear they make great soup! Kidding! That's only what I hear.
That was an amazing analogy. We need to stop looking at the how God moves and just seek God.
I've never really liked squirrels, I've always considered them rats with fluffy tails! I believe I won't be looking at squirrels the same way again! There's more to them...........there's more to God, and His glory. My heart forever longs for more!!!!
Squirrels aren't taking over anything as long they make shotguns and buckshot. Anyone eating a squirrel needs a check-up from the neck-up.
I think it is good that those stiff-necked religious folk don't want to get in the flow of things that God is doing. They just hinder the Spirit with their un-belief. I grieve for them because a lot of them love the Lord and are missing an opportunity to get blessed or get fixed.
Who I really have a problem with is their leadership who would discourage and condemn the move of God. I thank God every day for the staff of real Godly people Pastor Deon and Pastor Carmen have nurtured at New Destiny. I also pray daily that the pastors and leaders who can’t let God be God retire soon or move on so new blood can step in.
Great song on the Blogg, Pastor. I have not looked back since the first time I read about Lot’s wife.
Kay and I love you, love you, love you and you can’t do anything about it.
Pastor Deon is a blessing to this generation. African people love you soooo much. More anointing!!1
GO SQUIRRELS! GO GOD! In order to experience God in the way he is moving now, we must get out of the box...get out of our comfort zone, of our "normality" and head to the unknown of God, in this he will show us his wonders! Good word...Love ya!
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