It's time! It's God's time, It's my time, It's your time, It's our time! Touch three people and say, "It's time, it's time, it's time." There are many seasons, times & watches throughout the word of God. A specific time is known as a Kairos moment, certain strategic moment in God. In the scripture we find many instances, experiences & moments when it was someones appointed time to receive or move in God's reward or best for them. This being a strategic, specific Kairos divine assigned & appointed time. This is the time we as the true remnant, Body of Christ, are in. A Set time, an appointed time, a strategic time, a specific time, a divine assigned time, that brings about God's manifested presence, blessing & rewards on our lives. Today is that time!
Do you remember being little and it coming your time to play, go, bat, kick the ball, enjoy the moment of it being your turn. That's the time we are in right now. It's our turn! Time to shine, time to arise, time to receive, time to be promoted, time to have all God has promised. Today God wants you to step up to the plate, take your turn, enjoy the moment, receive His blessing, move in his rewards. It's a Kairos time for His people. A time of outpouring, celebration, harvest & answers!
There are appointed times and seasons for everything under the sun according to the book of Ecclesiastes 3. And just as important is to understand your times, as the sons of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32. So they would know what to do. I want you to really believe this, get it in your spirit. Act like it, talk like it & walk like it. What you expect is what you will get!
I was standing on the platform in Nigeria, Africa looking out on a sea of faces getting ready to minister to the people and their overwhelming needs when I felt the Spirit whisper as He breathed on my neck, "Its time!" Time to move in power & demonstration, time for the word to go forth in power, time for signs and wonders, time for healings, miracles & answers. And as I embraced that truth & moment, moved in that assurance I saw the results of it being someones time in the Lord. What an amazing & awesome God we serve. According to Romans 13:11, Be expecting because it's time!!!
i recieve that word and will take my time. Great reminder. It's an exciting time for the body of NDIC.
It is OUR time; the people in the pews, not just staff and leaders at NDIC. It’s OUR time to work in the Harvest fields. It's MY time.
I meet 15 to 20 strangers every day in my line of work and I can truly say that people are ready and desiring to hear about the Hope and Grace of God.
With the teaching and training we have at NDIC there is no reason not to step up to the task and share the Gospel and pray with and for the lost folks we come in contact with.
See ya aroung the Throne of Glory!
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