Many years ago we were youth pastoring about to take our first Senior pastorate and in final details of moving from Orlando to Tampa. My last event with our youth group was a missions trip to Germany. I was there with the team & Carmen was home making preparations for our move. She had located a house she feel in love with & wanted but at that time we were not sure if we could afford it. Every morning the team in Germany had a time of glorious devotions & meeting with God as we prepared for the ministry of the day. In our prayer time we played a CD by Martha Munizzi, and the song "He's already provided." I cannot put into words how that song ministered to me, got me through the day and propelled us into our next level. Upon returning home we got the house Carmen wanted & lived in it for five years before building our own new home & moving into it. God provides!!!
This past month in preparation for returning to Africa for ministry we have been faced with the challenges of going into a Muslim country with the Gospel of Christ. Our visas were quickly granted for our time in Liberia but held up for our Nigerian visas. Understand ALOT of prayer & fasting has gone into this trip. After much travail & going through "the due process" of phone calls, being put on hold & leaving messages we were told it didn't look possible to get the visas before we needed them. Mmmm.... I thought, God will provide!!!
Friday of this last week I cleaned my office thoroughly, a complete trash barrel of "stuff" from my desk, shelves, files, & office. Needless to say the victory was wrought & I prevailed with a CLEAN desk & office. Who knew my desk was a beautiful mahogany wood grain (-: In this process I found an old CD and set it aside to play in my car on the way home. I put the CD in and the first song to come on was "He's already provided" by Martha Munizzi. I was flooded with emotion, faith & tears as I went back in my mind to the prayer room in Germany & took what was mine in the Lord. Faith arose in me as that song ministered to my spirit & then & there I took our visas being granted. We just found out that we will get them by this Thursday. God will provide!!!
It's true He may not come when you want him but He's always on time!!! If you have a need today just know its Okay because everything you need He's already provided!!! ( which by the way is a great song on one of Marths Munizzi's first Cd's) My prayer is you will embrace what He's already provided for you today!
He does provide! He's an on time God! :)
What a testimony, thanks so much for sharing it. I love that song, too. "Every promise we can claim, just ask it in His name." I'm claiming favor, and I know "He's already provided." God is good.
Pastor- this is an awesome word! And that is an awesome song! He is an awesome God! Praying for you guys while you are there...
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