Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sorry, I can't Hear you!

I am amazed today at how many believers talk christain jargon without any committment to a lifestyle of obedience. The following is a reality check, so please read with precaution. So many today have fallen into the trap of believing if they know how to say the right thing that sounds spiritual then they are okay. Isn't that really a form of spiritual pride? Trying to appear to be something you're not or worse yet talking like something your not? Isn't that called deception. Talking one way & acting another?

Just because we can use christian terms or words & sound spiritual doesn't mean we are spiritual. And by spiritual I mean "right" with God. Lukewarm christains today have fallen prey to the lie that if they use certain words & terms (i.e. love, grace, forgiveness, compassion, etc.) then they are right with God. It all sounds so good but we must put action to our words. We are called to not just talk it but walk it!!! Faith without works is....

God requires obedience in our lives in every area. With our time, talent, tithe & our talk! Without obedience in these & other areas we are in disobedience! God cannot & has never blessed disobedience no matter how spiritual we talk & try to sound. It would be better to be mute & obedient than be able to have a discourse of conversation with flattering words & be in disobedience. Hello, Anybody out there?

Today make sure that your "christian terminology lines up with your christian theology." Do more than try & sound spiritual, check your spirit, make sure your walking out & in obedience by serving the Lord in line with His word to the fullest & not just trying to impress everyone to make them think you're okay with your spiritual rhetoric!

We must have christains who are walking the talk & living it out so the church can not only be the church but do what the church is called to do. Sorry I can't hear you, your actions are speaking louder than your words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for the time of always putting some of your thoughts down so we can always go back to for futher refrence. Sundays,Wed.and Sat. nigthts are so easey to be Churchy. I need alot of help on the other days. And this is when I need God the most. Pastor thanks for going Gods way and not what is the popular or the norm. We love you