Monday, June 1, 2009

Friends & Frien-enemies!!!

If you have ever had any type of relationship with anyone then you will recognize these truths. In each of our lives there comes many different kinds & levels of friends, friendships, & frien-enemies. I will explain. Acquaintances that come into our lives, bonds we make with people, some stronger than others but all having influence upon us. Some for the good, some for the bad and some for us to learn & grow from. Some we cherish & some we wish we had never made. But all fall into the following categories:

1. Casual friends- people we know & associate with through work, church, schools, our neighbors, etc. with no immediate bearing on our lives. Social acquaintances that we can live with or without.

2. Friends for a reason- people who come into our lives we need at certain times for different reasons. To learn from, be challenged by, grow from or to teach us things we would not have other wise learned. These are important though we don't value or nurture them enough.

3. Friends for a season-people who we meet, get to know, might like, even fall in love with & enjoy. Then just as quickly as they came into our lives they go out. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. They can be hurtful yet meaningful at the same time. But mostly, after their purpose, we need or are ready for them to go & they do! Don't curse these but learn from them & grow.

4. Frien-enemies- people who claim to be our friends but when times get tough or something is said or done they don't like, not only are they out of there but they go out doing, saying & causing great hurt. These people always try & bring you down to their level in many ways. Accusing you of the very things they are or do. They are not & have never been a friend. Typically with you for what they can get & how it benefits them & when that's over, their gone. Somehow leaving a dent in your life with you asking the question why? But you go on!

5. Covenant Friends- people that come into our lives who are true & dear to us. We learn from them, are challenged by them, love them & hold them dear to our hearts & lives. Family members, spouses, our children or dear people who you really love & they really love you! These people are sent from God & stick by you in thick & then. Rare but to be treasured!
The saying is true, if you are a true friend, you will have true friends. And to him who shows himself friendly, he himself will also have many friends. Pray & ask God to make you a true friend, to give you true friends & to forgive you if you have ever been a frien-enemy.

Nothing else can touch us so deeply, move us so compassionately, wound us so quickly or teach us so greatly. Be a friend today because I can assure you, someone needs it!

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