There's alot to be said for the one who is consistent! They are dependable, trustworthy & seem to produce more than those who are not. Consistent means you can be counted on, to be there when needed, to not let down or disappoint. To remain focused, see the larger picture, be a team player that produces. Unlike those who are not consistent; disappointing, undependable, clueless, distracted & usually self-absorbed!
Today more than ever people need consistency. One definition is "faithfulness in actions" Our children need consistent parenting, our relationships need consistent commitment, our homes need consistent love, our friendships need consistent attention, the world needs consistent examples & the church needs consistent Christians!!! Those who will be faithful in there actions, unwavering, dependable, that can be counted on when needed.
The difference between someone who is consistent & someone who is not is like night & day. They are worlds apart in their thinking, doing & even receiving. The mental state is just at opposite ends of the spectrum. Simply one "gets it" & the other does not!
I know today, right now, more than ever, God is requiring us to be consistent like never before. God can never complete the task at hand unless His children are consistent! We are told in scripture to "be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord! " Ask yourself that question and determine if you are consistent? faithful? Simply, can you be counted on? Unless the church gets back the right ingredients of consistency we can never move into all God has for us today. Who will join me in making a new commitment & vow to being consistent? So God can depend on us to be His church & build His church. If not believers, then who? If not now, then when?
Challenge yourself to be CONSISTENT, someones depending on you!
PD -
I am in!! Making a vow to true consistency...great writings and way to be in the spirit!!
love you tons - Mj
Consistency requires a lot of discipline, and you said something from the pulpit not too long ago that I wrote on my bathroom mirror, "Discipline leads to destiny!" Thanks for all you do for us, Pastor!
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