Today I am pressing on! It's not always easy to keep pressing on. Sometimes when you take a step forward and God meets you there the enemy always seems to rear his ugly head to try & get you to quit! Sometimes pressing on means everybody is not going with you. Some people don't want to go forward but choose to remain in their neutral position. Sometimes not pressing on would be easier & seemingly better than to press on. I've learned pressing on isn't popular, glamorous or even enjoyable, so sometimes you may just need to sit but never can you quit! Keep pressing!
Why should we keep pressing on? Because it's the only way to get to higher ground, it's the only way to move forward, it's the only way to experience new heights, it's the only way to explore the unknown, & it's the only way to overcome!!! Also & most important I've discovered that somebody on the other side is waiting for you to get there. You & I must press on for those who are waiting for us to come, bring help, offer hope, give an encouraging word, touch & love them & show them by pressing on it can be done!!!
The world says give up, quit, don't do it. The apathetic say why, what's the point? And those who have quit beckon us to join their ranks, but I'm pressing on! I'm pressing on if I have to go alone, I'm pressing on if I have to go sick, I'm pressing on if I go against the flow, & I'm pressing on because there's nothing for me if I stay where the devil is trying to keep me from going!!
Life is hard with its ups & downs, so rest if you must but never quit! Paul who often had obstacles & reasons to quit, said in Phil. 3:14 " I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." If you feel like quitting then there definitely is a reason to press on, you have a prize waiting for you if you will just keep going! Everyone who is pressing on leave me a comment to let me know you're pressing on to receive the prize. Today I'm pressing on!
Why should we keep pressing on? Because it's the only way to get to higher ground, it's the only way to move forward, it's the only way to experience new heights, it's the only way to explore the unknown, & it's the only way to overcome!!! Also & most important I've discovered that somebody on the other side is waiting for you to get there. You & I must press on for those who are waiting for us to come, bring help, offer hope, give an encouraging word, touch & love them & show them by pressing on it can be done!!!
The world says give up, quit, don't do it. The apathetic say why, what's the point? And those who have quit beckon us to join their ranks, but I'm pressing on! I'm pressing on if I have to go alone, I'm pressing on if I have to go sick, I'm pressing on if I go against the flow, & I'm pressing on because there's nothing for me if I stay where the devil is trying to keep me from going!!
Life is hard with its ups & downs, so rest if you must but never quit! Paul who often had obstacles & reasons to quit, said in Phil. 3:14 " I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." If you feel like quitting then there definitely is a reason to press on, you have a prize waiting for you if you will just keep going! Everyone who is pressing on leave me a comment to let me know you're pressing on to receive the prize. Today I'm pressing on!
i am pressing on no matter what you are still my favorit and my best pastor ...... cm
Pastor Deon, I know this website is intended for the men of Destiny, but Glory to God that was a WORD for the Women as well!!!
I was just saying to my sister-in-law that we have to keep going Forward and not give up or go back! Why would we want to go back to where we used to be. To go back, is where there is fear, and where there is lack, and quite frankly where God does not Abide! Forward is where I ALWAYS WANT TO BE!!
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