Ever feel out of joint, out of place, something not right? Today I heard it was going to be cool outside so I wore a sweater. Talk about being out of joint, I was hot all day. 80 something degrees in November, it just doesn't feel right. Nor did my sweater, it was binding, cumbersome, uncomfortable. That's how we feel when we are not right with God. Ever felt that way? Feel that way today? Whenever our inner spirit man is out of line/connection with God we feel weird. Like somethings not right. That's a good thing and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives letting us know we need to spend some time with our Heavenly Father.
I don't know were your at or what your doing right now but if your feeling out of joint, something not right or even running on fumes, take time to make it right and spend some quality time with God, answer the call of the Holy Spirit in your life and pray, read the word, meditate on God while you listen to some good worship music. Do whatever necessary to get it right.... now, so if need be get off the computer & get on with God. Then you want feel weird or like somethings not right. Don't wear a sweater in hot weather no matter who says its cool outside, next time I will check for myself and dress comfortable for the day. And don't take someone Else's word on how to navigate your spiritual walk, next time work it out yourself before the Holy Spirit has to give you "that somethings not right feeling/out of joint thing"
Because if you don't, you will eventually get used to that feeling and begin to think its the norm. God wants you to remain steadfast, solid through it all, day in & day out. And you will only do that when you keep it real between you & God on a DAILY basis. Thank God I had a sweater to wear, I just wore it out of season, don't be out of season spiritually, its uncomfortable. So as I layer my clothes lighter so layer you inner man with Gods love so you won't have to shed the results of sin sown while your away from Him. Out of joint? change whatever you have to and get it together so you can go after God and reap the benefits today. I'm going to go change out of my sweater, you go spend some quality time with God. Much love & prayers- PD
I don't know were your at or what your doing right now but if your feeling out of joint, something not right or even running on fumes, take time to make it right and spend some quality time with God, answer the call of the Holy Spirit in your life and pray, read the word, meditate on God while you listen to some good worship music. Do whatever necessary to get it right.... now, so if need be get off the computer & get on with God. Then you want feel weird or like somethings not right. Don't wear a sweater in hot weather no matter who says its cool outside, next time I will check for myself and dress comfortable for the day. And don't take someone Else's word on how to navigate your spiritual walk, next time work it out yourself before the Holy Spirit has to give you "that somethings not right feeling/out of joint thing"
Because if you don't, you will eventually get used to that feeling and begin to think its the norm. God wants you to remain steadfast, solid through it all, day in & day out. And you will only do that when you keep it real between you & God on a DAILY basis. Thank God I had a sweater to wear, I just wore it out of season, don't be out of season spiritually, its uncomfortable. So as I layer my clothes lighter so layer you inner man with Gods love so you won't have to shed the results of sin sown while your away from Him. Out of joint? change whatever you have to and get it together so you can go after God and reap the benefits today. I'm going to go change out of my sweater, you go spend some quality time with God. Much love & prayers- PD
When I watch or listen to the weather shows they all have something slightly different to say about the weather.
Over 40 years of listening to the weather predictions I have learned they are really guessing (educated maybe,but guessing). I always look at the sky and make my on prediction.
The devil trys many ways to influence me daily just like the weather man. I always look to my Spirit man before I listen to any thoughts the devil sends my way and always put on the full armour of God (Eph 6:10-18) to withstand the devils "weather" predictions.
Glory to God!!
Great analogy on the sweater. It is so important not to get so cumbersome and tied up you miss God. He really does lighten up anything that has you bound. Including your sweater :)
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