Today not just men but everyone is looking for some stability in their life, relationships & future. Not routine or some mundane "walk through it blind folded" experience. But something that's real, lasting, dependable! Something you can count on. We all need this solid foundation in our live's & must be surrounded with some form of stability to weather our next storm! Unexpected storms are funny that way, they try & steal our stability and cause fear, doubt and second guessing our self. That's also the work of our adversary, the devil. So when you are tempted to slide into those old feelings because of something life's thrown at you not only remember the source but remember to be STABLE! Here's why.........
Stability is defined as "consistency, to be immovable, mental firmness or ability to deal with changes" If ever a time we need something in our life's to help us cope, get needed answers or get through something, this is it! God doesn't want us wishy washy, whacked out or weird because of live's unexpected curve balls that try and get us off track. He wants us STABLE! The Scripture says in 1 Peter 4: 11-12, (Our guide book for life)
Stability is defined as "consistency, to be immovable, mental firmness or ability to deal with changes" If ever a time we need something in our life's to help us cope, get needed answers or get through something, this is it! God doesn't want us wishy washy, whacked out or weird because of live's unexpected curve balls that try and get us off track. He wants us STABLE! The Scripture says in 1 Peter 4: 11-12, (Our guide book for life)
"Believer, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which
is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to
you, but rejoice because when His glory is revealed
you may be also filled with exceeding JOY!"
The very thing that the enemy is using to try and intimidate you, cause you to be inconsistent, remove your God given peace and joy, and steal your mental firmness, could also be the thing that's working His Glory out in you. So instead of cursing your present trial or difficulty why not try rejoicing over it, or better yet rejoice in it! Because your Father said it's working in you His glory and a new level of maturity, dependability and consistency. This act alone will be enough to confuse the devil and make him aware his old tactics no longer work on the "new stable you" Your new strength is in your new found "glory" in Him! Again the word says,
is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to
you, but rejoice because when His glory is revealed
you may be also filled with exceeding JOY!"
The very thing that the enemy is using to try and intimidate you, cause you to be inconsistent, remove your God given peace and joy, and steal your mental firmness, could also be the thing that's working His Glory out in you. So instead of cursing your present trial or difficulty why not try rejoicing over it, or better yet rejoice in it! Because your Father said it's working in you His glory and a new level of maturity, dependability and consistency. This act alone will be enough to confuse the devil and make him aware his old tactics no longer work on the "new stable you" Your new strength is in your new found "glory" in Him! Again the word says,
"Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the
Lord. Knowing that you labor is not in vain in the Lord."
( 1 Corinthians 15: 58)
There is ALOT to be said for the man who is stable no matter what may come. And when all is said and done, he remains Stable, Consistent, Immovable & Dependable. The world is not only looking for these few good men but is in great need of true Men of God today to have stability in every area of their live's. Particularly in His Church. Can God count on you? Will you draw from him, His strength, Joy & Glory? Can you keep rejoicing despite of? If your answer is "yes" then I look forward to locking arms with you as we take back what the enemy has tried to steal. Two is better than one. I am standing with you for all your desires and believing with you for Stability in every area your Life. Hope to see you this week in service as we pursue Him in Stability together.
As I labor in the secular world these past years I have gone to 1 Cor. 15:58 many times for reinforcement and reminder of what is the right way act in a secular work setting. It is easy to get intimidated and not be steadfast, immovable and preferring to do the Lord's work to the things my co-workers are doing.
Can God count on me? Most definitely He can and I hope He does. I see stability in my life as a direct result of my faith. Sometimes I just have to put my hands over my ears and eyes and chant "nah-nah nah-nah-nah" the attacks are so annoying. James 1:6 tells me to ask in faith, with no doubting.... and I ask for more faith in faith all the time. If faith were for sale like a McD's I would get a Faith biscuit well done every morning.
You can count on the Enneking house to stand with you Pastor in any trial and every joy.
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