Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The New Wineskin!

Jesus said "And no one puts new wine into an old wineskin....but new wine must be put into new wineskins & both will be useful. And no one having drunk old wine, immediately desires new, for he says, the old is better." Lk.5:37-39

"New Wine" here represents the Holy Spirit & "Wineskins" represent vessells. 2 Cor. 4:7 "We have this treasure in earthen vessells that the POWER of God may be of God and not us." We are vessells that are supposed to carry the wine, Holy Spirit, of God. The New wine is what was prophesied by Joel & preached by Peter (Joel 2 & Acts 2) for the church to operate in today.

Not only is it way passed time for believers to take the new wineskin but it is the mantle that we as the body must embrace, walk in & carry out. With this new wineskin will come new ways...change. The greater the new wineskin the greater the ripping of the old. If God is changing things, leading in a new direction or it even seems messing things up, He might just be trying to form a new wineskin in you.

At first no one likes the change, the difference, the new wineskin but wants to hold on to the old, the familiar, that which we are comfortable in & with. Let God have His way, accept the new wineskin, embrace His direction, receive fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Don't just be a part of the move of God, start the move of God.

To many believers today have a form of Godliness but deny its power- the Holy Spirit! Simply receive fresh oil & new wine today by asking, seeking, getting, setting under a spout where the Glory & new wine is being poured out. Drink freely & drink as much & as often as you can!!!

If your found empty, dry & barren it will be because you didn't allow God to give you a new wineskin. My prayer & hope is we all walk in the new & enjoy it together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor just want to thank you again
for the time you give us.