Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Passive-Definition-"to be inactive, lethargic, of no opinion, resisting demands by delay or procrastinating." This spirit of passivity that has settled on the Body of Christ today is unbelievable. Succumbing to this condition makes you indifferent, apathetic to not only your responsibility in the Kingdom of God but what is happening with the KOG!
Passive Christians are uninterested, unmoved & mediocre to the things of God. Therefore missing out on what is one of the most strategic times in the church world today. A time of positioning, awakening, empowering & blessing. God is raising up His Remnant on the earth today to accomplish His will, work & word! He's preparing the church & world for the greatest outpouring & move we have ever seen or experienced. Which will be a set up for His return!

The enemy of our soul has been masterful at lulling Christ's body to sleep so he can execute his plans. Meanwhile the passive christian/church is asleep, distracted, bitter, or in bondage, exhausted building their own earthly kingdoms while Christendom takes a blow because God's people are PASSIVE!!!

In 22 years of ministry I can say this issue is greater than it's ever been. The cold get colder & the hot get hotter, both not being able to tolerate the other! Producing a dysfunctional, disunified body thus defeated body! It starts with becoming passive & then staying there. Rev. 3:16 "I would that you be rather hot or cold but because you are Lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth."

God doesn't want our passivity! It's decision time people. We must wake from our slumber, rise to our call, take our positions & prioritize the things of God! Our current events are demanding it. God is building His church, so make sure your not a representation of the picture above! Let me know your thoughts & if you choose not to be passive! Touch two people and say, "WAKE UP"


Anonymous said...

Amen!!! I agree, with the present circumstances, the sleeping church MUST wake-up. We can't miss our moment!

Anonymous said...

so true, pray I am awake!