Its not who starts the race but who FINISHES the race who gets the prize!
If anyone competes he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules!
I press toward the GOAL for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the Faith!
Just a few challenging verses to keep us on course. Recently in my reading time I encountered this paragraph that sums up my feelings & thoughts:
If we are not careful, we can allow life to get us into the same old ruts & routines without even realizing it. Our relationship with the Lord can suffer the same fate. When we don't do what it takes to stay sharp & sensitive to the Holy Spirit, our praise, worship, offerings, & even preaching can become heartless routines to God. As a believer, you can pray, read your bible, and go to church week after week and still be losing sight of your first love. It is not that you don't love the Lord, but the business of life can bring you to the point of losing your freshness, your enthusiasm, and your sensitivity to His Spirit and what pleases Him.
"If there be any Virtue, any Praise..., think on these things!" My prayer is that you Finish this race called life Strong!
If anyone competes he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules!
I press toward the GOAL for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the Faith!
Just a few challenging verses to keep us on course. Recently in my reading time I encountered this paragraph that sums up my feelings & thoughts:
If we are not careful, we can allow life to get us into the same old ruts & routines without even realizing it. Our relationship with the Lord can suffer the same fate. When we don't do what it takes to stay sharp & sensitive to the Holy Spirit, our praise, worship, offerings, & even preaching can become heartless routines to God. As a believer, you can pray, read your bible, and go to church week after week and still be losing sight of your first love. It is not that you don't love the Lord, but the business of life can bring you to the point of losing your freshness, your enthusiasm, and your sensitivity to His Spirit and what pleases Him.
"If there be any Virtue, any Praise..., think on these things!" My prayer is that you Finish this race called life Strong!
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