Should I? Could I? Will anyone know? My mother used to tell me you can never make a deal with the Devil. And that is precisely what the enemy of our soul will try and get us to do. Bargain with him, cut a deal, compromise. Make us think- this isn't so bad; if I do this, than I can allow that; or the all time lie, I deserve it! There is no room in the life of the believer for bargaining!!!
This is how the forces of darkness can enter in & lead us into compromising our walk with God. Satan told Eve, "go ahead eat the apple, its not so bad" He bargained with her & she literally ate them out of house & home. The tactics are still the same today, He tries to strike a bargain with us getting us to rationalize in our minds which for some reason we feel will lesson the consequences of our actions. You can NEVER carry on a conversation with the enemy, only rebuke him!
Recently I stood in the streets of Port Au Prince, Haiti with a friend at a Vendors stand in a street market. My friend was wanting to make a purchase but we were trying to bargain with the vendor getting him to come down on the price. Every time we started to walk away he would come down & say, "for you I make a special deal" Finally we got the price down and made out like a bandit with our goods. It was a thrilling victory! Unfortunately that is not how it works in the spirit-realm, there is no bargaining! And when we start to bargain mentally, make excuses, cut corners, give into allowances, we never walk away victorious, only defeated!
I want to simply challenge you this year to stop bargaining with your flesh man & temptations and give no place to your enemy. The reward will be greater to those who never gave way to bargaining. "The righteous man shall be blessed!" say the scriptures. So don't even think about it, nip it in the bud & be free from a bargaining spirit in every area of our life. There are no special deals when it comes to bargaining or compromising with the devil. "Therefore be sober, vigilant because your adversary roams about seeking whom he may devour" Something to chew on before he chews on you.
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