Thursday, July 12, 2007

Men in Crises

Men in Crises seems to be the overall status of most men today trying to provide, protect, guide & overcome life's daily battles. Some days are successes with steps taking forward and some days are disastrous with the battle lost and battle scars to prove it. For most men to be real and admit a struggle in any area is part of the process of overcoming. We all realize we are in a fight and trying to navigate our way through it with making the right choices, given all our options is the tough part! One of the many ways to handle the fight, battle, struggle, or whatever the enemy is using at this moment to try and get you to cave in to him & his tactics is to just take it one day at a time. One hour at a time if need be.

In this race called life I've learned that things are NEVER as bad as I think they are & that tomorrow is a new day with new choices & opportunities. Just because you loose a battle here & there doesn't mean you've lost the war!! So if today you find yourself a man in a crises, take hope, think clearly, make right choices and strive to make today better than yesterday. My prayer for you is that you will live, work, lead, serve & meet all the other demands on you today like a champion with the mindset that what your doing today is a gift from God and it might be the last opportunity you get. So do it well with all your heart & soon you will see the tide begin to turn in your favor so you can go from a man in crises to a man in control.

After all that's what you were originally designed to do- lead & dominate or control. Stop fighting against the process of life and learn to flow with it and your God given abilities will take over naturally and your aggravations will turn into opportunities to promote you to your next level. As a man if you don't take your God given Dominion, it will be taken from you. So use whats in your hands to better yourself & position yourself for a breakthrough when tomorrow comes. Finally you want be able to embrace your next Victory if you not positioned today to handle it. In this earthen war we must walk circumspectly, ready to take action and ready for action. Be encouraged today, God is working on your behalf in ways you don't see. And because of that, you can be expecting to just not be in the war but IN IT TO WIN IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is truth! Life can certainly try to overwhelm us, but we have to keep it all in perspective. When we fail, get back up and move on!